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Listen to Reason! His Imperial Majesty “Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El” of the Royal Atlanian Family is now a doctor of theology, history, and comparative religious study as well as Semitic language and now called "Noology" meaning the science of understanding or "sound right reasoning". Leaders and Rulers of the planet “Earth” be informed that they should welcome the announcement, communication, and coming of His Imperial Majesty “Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El”. The General Solutionist in his official capacity has inherited his talents to help our global society prefect, protect, and persistently evolve with our planet.
GOVT REGD NO RJSC/DISST RWP/F-3613/223/2013 Consultative Status UN NGO/IGO BRANCH
The Omniversal Church is organized through the Noocratic Society Omniversal Charter and “customary international law” (UN Diplomatic Relations, Preamble, Article 47.1; UN Consular Relations, Preamble; UN Immunities of States, Preamble: 5; UN Law of Treaties, Preamble, Article 38). Such status as a sovereign “subject of international law” is binding upon all countries regardless of recognition (UN Law of Treaties, Articles 3, 38), and inherently possesses diplomatic and consular relations (UN Consular, Articles 3, 1(d), 17.1) including as a non-territorial state (UN Diplomatic, Articles 1(i), 3.1(a). These Bylaws amend and restate, in its entirety, the previous Covenants of the Omniversal Church, as amended. The name of this ecclesiastical government & religious intergovernmental organization (“church”) is The World Temple as the Omniversal Church for the Global Village. The principal office of the Omniversal Church in the City-State of Amexem (Texas) shall be located at Nu University City or Houston, Texas. The World Temple Administration as the Board of Directors of the Omniversal Church shall have full power and authority to change any office from one location to another, either in temporal jurisdiction, Louisiana or elsewhere. The Omniversal Church shall comply with the requirements of the World Law and maintain a registered office and registered agent in Global Districts. The registered office may be, but need not be, identical to the Omniversal Church’s principal office in Texas. The World Temple Administration as the Board of Directors may change the registered office and the registered agent as provided in the World Law established by World Government. This Omniversal Church accepts the sacred scriptures deriving it's power and authority from the Great Summeria Tablets (Holy Tablets), Atra Hasis, Enuma Elish, the Akkadian Tablets, and the Holy Scriptures of the Seven Seals, El' Suhuf – The Pure Pages, El Hikmah – Book of Wisdom , El Torah – The Laws, El Zabuwr – The Book Psalms, Book of Barnabas, El's Injiyl – Book of Revelations, and El Qur'aan – The Revelations, which was given by Arch Angel Gabriy'El to Muhammad the Seal of the Prophet, To appoint and consecrate missionaries of the prophet and to establish our Royal and Imperial Divan (Government) throughout the boundless Omniverse as the revealed will of God, the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice, and for the purpose of fulfilling God’s mission.
As "The Negus" ; Amharic: royal title in the Ethiopian Semitic languages. It denotes a exarch, such as the Bahri Negus (Lord of the Seas) of the Medri Bahri kingdom in pre-1890 Eritrea, and the Negus in pre-1974 Ethiopia. Negus is a noun derived from the Ethiopian Semitic root, meaning "to reign". The title has subsequently been used to translate the words "king" or "emperor" as “Malak” in the Biblical and other literature forms. In more recent times, it was used as an honorific title bestowed on governors of the most important provinces (kingdoms). The Negus is crowned as His Imperial Majesty of Aksum, Amexem, Kingdom of Atlan and the Imperial Throne. He is the world's first professed "Noologist", this certified doctor is surely a expert using the powers of sound right reason, because to him and many alike expresses that mental liberation presupposes spiritual and physical Liberation. In his efforts he has establish a global project to save humanity and transition us forward in the new millennium.
Learn More About the Nous Project
The Omniversal Church is the treasury of the World's Global Village, a storehouse of centuries of accumulated experience and wisdom in man and woman's attempt to relate to God and each other. The heritage of the omniversal church stretches back to Moses, David, Jesus, and the Apostles, and comes down to us today. Those of us who cherish this celestial heritage have an obligation to pass it on to future generations. The fulfillment of our commitment to the Omniversal Church includes our commitment to live within the canonical standards which the Omniversal Church has established as normative for the life of every sentient being. Such standards are not intended as limits upon all and any member of the Global Village freedoms, but should rather be understood as constituting the very basis for the communal life of the Omniversal Church. A steward of the divine is one who realizes that all is within the all and that the beholder is simply a temporary trustee and fiduciary agent. Our conscious must dictate our financial support of the Omniversal Church. The Stewardship Pledge System must return to its divine nature and maintain an ethical balance of planetary affairs. We are called upon to be caretakers and stewards of these gifts. "The earth is Nature's and the fullness thereof." Stewardship is learning how to be responsible and concerned caretakers of all of nature's anointed ones as the Omniversal Church. It is our active commitment to use all our time, talent, and treasure for the benefit of all member kindred of the Global Village. Stewardship is caring for the needs of others.
We profess that the Karastian fate is about divine relationships. It is about our relationship with Almighty Nature and our relationships with spiritual family. In both cases, we profess the fact that nature reveals what is essential about all of our relationships. Our ancestors lived in awareness of the divine presence and placed their trust in the divine forces of nature. In them, we hear the holy invitation to live a relationship of intimacy and faithfulness. The creator welcomed anyone who would respond to this invitation.
Becoming a member of a World Temple is a way that we identify with other people who have committed themselves to live as a follower of the ancient ones. It is a way of saying, “This is who I am and this is what matters to me.” It is a commitment to a lifetime of learning and growing in our relationships with God and with one another. Being a part of the Omniversal church is a way that we witness our faith in the ancient ones and open ourselves to relationships that only the Karastian community can offer. By a Profession of Anointed Fate. This is when a person is making their first public, as a youth or adult profession of fate in the ancient ones. This does not necessarily mean that you are just becoming a knower at the time, but that you are now making your decision public, requesting anointedness and membership. Transfer Letter Patent. This is just a fancy way of saying that you are already a member of another church, and are simply wanting to move your membership to our church or represent your church in the World Temple for the Global Village. We understand and recognize that not all churches have “membership” and that you may just simply be joining our church without an official transfer. Statement of Truth. This is for those who are neither making a first-time profession of fate or coming from another church. New members in any category are simply saying, “I’m not unanointed and I don’t have a current church membership but I want to be a member of this church.”
This is the reason that every Sunday, we invite people who are not members of The World Temple of Karast to make this community their new church home. If you are someone who is considering the possibility of becoming a member of The World Temple of Karast congregation, we hope that the following list of Frequently Asked Questions will help you get a better sense of what is involved with joining our church.
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Houston, TX
Nu University City, Amexem, Kingdom of Atlan
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